# We have a mission!

About us

Tenho Saúde is a reliable source of information and news about the most important thing you have: your HEALTH. 

Our publications, in addition to being reviewed by doctors and specialists, are written in easy-to-understand language. With this, we address symptoms, treatment, prevention, mental health, nutrition, exercise, aesthetics, well-being, longevity and others. 

With the aim of carrying out its life mission, our platform was created in 2022 by businessman Evalldo Aguiar, Integrative Health Specialist Professional and CEO of AvanteMark Group.


I live and am driven by a purpose: Make you discover your mission!

I believe that everyone carries a life mission within themselves, however, many people are prevented from discovering or exercising their purpose because they suffer from physical and psychological illnesses such as anxiety, depression, discouragement, indisposition and others. 

With this in mind, I created Tenho Saúde to share knowledge based on truth and responsibility to connect, guide and inspire people.

Through our content, documentaries and targeted infoproduct portals, We have the vision of changing the routine and health of millions of people. Showing a way to overcome evils, awaken and stimulate the individual life mission of each reader.

Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are
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Integrative Medicine

Our goal is to share the mindset of Integrative Medicine. There is a phrase that paraphrases the concept well: “Make time to take care of your health today so you don't have to make time to take care of your illness tomorrow.. Lair Ribeiro”. 

Integrative medicine is a treatment focused on the whole: body, mind and emotions, focusing on human longevity, which aims to develop habits for disease prevention. Have you ever thought that changing habits, nutrition and emotions today can alleviate the development of a disease or future problems?  

Its main mechanism is to identify the root causes of diseases, as they are caused by physical, mental and emotional imbalances. This means that the process of restoring the patient's health is complete, as the patient is treated as a whole and not just for their complaint, as occurs in conventional medicine. 

Editorial principles

All published content undergoes analytical and technical processes by a range of professionals specialized in health, journalism, content, marketing and other skills, who have decades of experience to bring you the best content. Each piece of information is verified and based on ethics and responsibility for the truth.

We value the freedom of expression of our guests and collaborators, treating the fight against misinformation with the same determination, with a commitment to immediately correct any discrepancies. 

We agree that here you will acquire information in a simple, objective, impartial and reliable way, using scientific data and choosing relevant interviewees and professionals.

Welcome everyone to Tenho Saúde!

Our Team

These are the people responsible for making our mission a reality. through Tenhosaude.com

Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are

Evalldo Aguiar

Integrative Health Specialist. Specialist in Marketing, SEO, Technology and Administration. Responsible for founding AvanteMark Group, Reavimax and other corporations. Founded Tenho Saúde to fulfill his life mission. @evalldoaguiar

Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are

Amanda Olifer

Content Director - @amandaoliferb2

Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are

Higor Patrick

Spelling Expert - @higorpsilva

Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are

Natalia Stofel

Nutritionist - CRN9 12806 @natalia.stofel

Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are

Tales Ferreira

Personal trainer specializing in bodybuilding - Cref 0461226-G/MG @talesferreira_personal

Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are

Dr. Brenda Cabral

Dr. Brenda, CRO-MG 58291, is a professional specialized in Orthodontics and Dental Surgery, recognized for her expertise and clinical skills. @_brendacabralbarbosa

Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are

Marcus Lessa

Journalist - Specialist in social communication, TV and radio - @marcusless


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r25IQAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA8GE6WgABSCg7qgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are
Tenho Saúde - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Who we are
11 Common Habits That Damage Your Eyes and Vision: Ophthalmologists Rosemary: Improves memory, concentration, stress and focus naturally (stories) Quit smoking: receive free medicine and treatment through the PNCT and SUS Green Tea for the Brain: Boosts Memory and Protects the Brain These 2 teas will relieve gas. 4 Calculators for your measurements: BMI, calories and ideal weight How to choose a healthy, quality olive oil. 3 strategies to lose weight by eating chocolate