More Health with Agent everything you need to know Manoel Tenho Saúde

More Health with Agent: check out the program's step-by-step guide

Find out everything about the Mais Saúde com Agente Program: how to sign up, the selection process, how to appeal and monitor results.

Have you heard of the More Health Program with Agent? It is an initiative that is gaining momentum and promises to bring great improvements to public health in Brazil.

Basically, this program was created to help our Community Health Agents and Endemic Disease Control Agents to be even more prepared to take care of our communities. And this is all thanks to GM/MS Ordinance No. 2,304, of December 12, 2023.

But why is this important? Well, health workers are often the first and, in some cases, the only line of support for many people, especially in more remote areas. 

With this new ordinance, these professionals will be able to take specialized courses that mix in-person and online classes, which is great for those who live in more remote regions and do not always have easy access to training.

Understand now in a clear and simple way how More Health Program with Agent works and why it is so important.

What is the More Health with Agent Program?

THE More Health Program with Agent is an initiative of the Ministry of Health, aimed at training more than 385 thousand Community Health Agents (CHA) and Endemic Disease Control Agents (ACE) throughout Brazil. 

More Health with Agent everything you need to know Manoel Tenho Saúde
Agent Manoel makes daily home visits | Photos: Jhonatan Cantarelle/Agência Saúde-DF

The main objective of the program is improve the skills of these professionals, who are on the front lines of public health, visiting homes, promoting vaccination campaigns and monitoring outbreaks of diseases such as dengue and zika.

The program offers a robust training that combines distance learning and practical modules. These courses are designed to teach everything from early disease identification to effective community communication strategies.

With this training, agents not only expand their knowledge, but also become true local health leaders, capable of positively influencing the behavior and well-being of the people they serve.

Improving health surveillance actions is essential for the early detection of outbreaks and epidemics, which can save thousands of lives by preventing the spread of disease.

With better trained agents, the response to health crises becomes faster and more efficient, minimizing negative impacts on the community.

Strengthening primary health care ensures that health services reach every corner of the country, especially in the most remote and hard-to-reach areas. This not only improves the quality of life of the population, but also reduces the burden on hospitals and health units.

Who will benefit and how

The main beneficiaries of More Health with Agent are the Community Health Agents and Endemic Disease Control Agents

By participating in the program, these professionals receive qualifications that raise the standard of service provided, making them more capable of facing complex challenges such as epidemics and chronic diseases. 

Training not only improves the effectiveness of your actions, but also increases your self-esteem and recognition within the community.

But the benefits don't stop there. The entire community is directly impacted. With better-prepared agents, residents receive more accurate health guidance, have access to faster diagnoses and are involved in preventive actions that really work. 

This means fewer hospitalizations, fewer disease outbreaks and a healthier, more informed population.

Program Objectives

According to the ordinance that makes the program official, the main objectives include:

  1. Continuous training of Community Health Agents (ACS) and Endemic Disease Control Agents (ACE): The program seeks to provide ongoing education for these professionals, ensuring that they are always up to date with the best practices and knowledge in health.
  2. Improvement of health surveillance actions: This means that agents will be trained to more accurately identify the signs and symptoms of diseases, as well as learn advanced techniques for controlling and preventing outbreaks.
  3. Strengthening primary health care: One of the pillars of the program is to ensure that ACS and ACE can work in a more integrated manner with family health teams, facilitating the population's access to basic health services.
  4. Promoting health education in communities: The program also aims to empower agents so that they can become true multipliers of knowledge, educating the population about healthy practices and preventing diseases through information.

Courses offered

THE More Health Program with Agent offers specialized technical courses to train professionals in two crucial areas for public health:

1. Community Health Agent (CHA) Course: This course is focused on training Community Health Agents to work directly in communities, establishing a bridge between the population and health services. The content covers everything from basic knowledge about the health system to advanced communication and health education techniques. The goal is to ensure that these professionals are prepared to identify the health needs of the population, promote preventive actions and facilitate access to health services.

2. Health Surveillance Course: Aimed at Endemic Disease Control Agents (ACE), this course covers a wide range of topics related to epidemiological surveillance and disease control. Participants learn about methods for identifying disease outbreaks, monitoring outbreaks, and implementing preventive measures. This course is essential for strengthening health surveillance actions, ensuring a rapid and effective response to any threat to public health.

Workload and format

The courses offered by the program have a full workload of 1,200 hours, distributed in a balanced manner to allow for a more qualified absorption of the content.

This workload was carefully planned so that professionals can dedicate themselves to learning without compromising their daily work activities.

The course format is flexible, with in-person and distance learning options (EAD), meeting the needs of different student profiles. The in-person modality is ideal for those who prefer more interactive learning, with the opportunity to participate in group discussions and practical activities.

The distance learning format offers the convenience of studying at your own pace, accessing content from anywhere, which is especially useful for professionals working in more remote regions.

Courses also include supervised practical activities, where agents can apply what they have learned in real situations, under the guidance of experienced professionals. 

This ensures that, at the end of the course, they are not only theoretically prepared, but also ready to face the day-to-day challenges in their communities.

How will the program be executed?

Implementing the program involves collaboration between the Ministry of Health, the states, the Federal District and the municipalities. Each has an important role to play in ensuring that the program works well throughout Brazil.

Ministry of Health: The Ministry is responsible for creating the rules and guidelines for the program. It also provides the necessary funding and technical support. The Ministry will monitor the program throughout the country, ensuring that everything is going according to plan. It also provides materials and training to help train Community Health Agents and Disease Control Agents.

States and Federal District: The states and the Federal District adapt the program rules to their local needs. They help coordinate the implementation of the program in their areas and act as liaisons between the Ministry of Health and the municipalities. The states ensure that resources and materials reach the cities and oversee the implementation of the program in their regions.

Municipalities: Municipalities are directly responsible for implementing the program in their day-to-day activities. They organize courses for health workers and ensure that they have everything they need to learn. Municipalities also ensure that in-person and online classes take place as planned and help workers apply what they have learned in their communities.

Term of Accession and responsibilities of federative entities

To participate in the program, each state, municipality and the Federal District must sign a Term of Accession. This document defines the responsibilities of each party.

Ministry of Health: The Ministry is committed to providing the necessary resources and support. It will also monitor the implementation of the program and ensure that the objectives are met.

States and Federal District: The states and the Federal District must adapt the program to their reality and ensure that municipalities receive the necessary resources. They also help to oversee the implementation of the program in their regions.

Municipalities: Municipalities are responsible for implementing the program locally. They must organize the courses, ensure that agents have access to classes, and report progress to the Ministry of Health.

Who can participate?

To participate in the courses offered, agents must meet some requirements:

  1. Be fully engaged in professional practice: Agents must already be actively working in their health or disease control roles.
  2. Be linked to a registered health establishment: Agents must be linked to a health unit that is duly registered in the National Health Establishment Registration System (SCNES).
  3. Complete high school: Participants must have completed high school, be in their final year, or be enrolled in Youth and Adult Education.

Benefits of participation

Participating in the courses brings several advantages for both the agents and the communities in which they work:

  • Professional development: The courses provide technical training that helps agents improve their skills and knowledge. This means more effective work and better service to the population.
  • Improvement in the quality of health: With more complete training, agents can perform their tasks more competently, which directly contributes to the health of the community.
  • Strengthening healthcare teams: The qualification of agents strengthens the performance of health teams and the fight against endemic diseases, making them better prepared to face challenges and solve public health problems.
  • Growth opportunities: Technical training can open doors to new advancements in agents’ careers, including opportunities for positions of greater responsibility and specialization.

Monitoring and follow-up

THE More Health Program with Agent will have detailed monitoring to ensure that everything is working as well as possible. The Ministry of Health will be responsible for this task and will use different methods to monitor the progress of the program:

1. Frequent Reports: Periodic reports will be reviewed to show how the courses are running. These reports include financial and operational information, helping to identify what is going well and where improvements can be made.

2. On-Site Visits: The Ministry will visit some locations where the program is underway. These visits help to see firsthand how the courses are being implemented and to solve potential problems quickly.

3. Data Analysis: Participant data, such as registrations, enrollments, and completion rates, will be carefully analyzed. This tracking allows the program to be adjusted as needed to better meet the needs of agents.

Control measures and performance evaluation

To ensure that the program is achieving its objectives, some important measures will be taken:

  • Success Indicators: The Ministry will define indicators to assess the performance of the courses and the effectiveness of the training. This will help measure the impact of the program and ensure that it is achieving its objectives.
  • Participant Feedback: Feedback will be requested from Community Health Agents and Disease Control Agents who are taking the courses. This opinion is crucial to understanding what is working well and what can be improved.
  • Necessary Adjustments: Based on the data and feedback, the program can be adjusted to ensure it continues to be useful and effective for everyone involved.

How to participate?

If you are interested in becoming a Community Health Agent or Endemic Disease Control Agent, follow these steps to ensure your participation in the Mais Saúde com Agente Program:

1. Monitor the opening of new classes and notices

In order not to miss the opportunity, stay tuned for the opening of new classes and notices. Access:

2. Understand the selection process

The notice It is an official document that details all the information about the selection process, including dates, requirements and instructions for registration.

  1. Publication of the notice: Check when the notice is published and read it to check the rules and requirements.
  2. Registration period: Apply by the deadline.
  3. Requirements validation: After the application period, the government will validate whether you meet all the requirements.
    Announcement of preliminary results: The list of eligible candidates will be published.
  4. Resource: If you do not meet any requirement, you will be unfit, there will be a period for you to appeal the decision. (Tutorial on how to appeal the Mais Saúde Program with Agent, Click here)
  5. Final result: After the appeals period, the final result will be published with the names of the candidates elected for the program, on the official website.

3. Register

To secure your spot, follow these steps:

1. Check your eligibility: Confirm that you meet the criteria in the opening notice to participate.

2.Registration tutorial: Watch the step-by-step tutorial for detailed guidance:

3. Required documents: Download and print all required documents and declarations, Click here.

4. Sign up in the Program: link to register.

4. Monitor the results of the selection process

After registering, continue to monitor the progress of the process:

  • Official website: Access the results page to check for updates.
  • Social media: Stay tuned for news and announcements on the program’s Instagram.

By following these steps, you will be on your way to participating in the Mais Saúde com Agente Program and improving your skills while contributing to the health of the community. Good luck!

Additional sources of information

Want to learn more? Here are some helpful resources:

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