New law allows exchange of breast implants through the SUS and psychological support for patients with breast cancer complications - Tenho Saúde

New law allows exchange of breast implants through the SUS and psychological support for patients with breast cancer complications.

Are you familiar with the new law that guarantees the right to psychological counseling and breast implant replacement in cases of complications or adverse effects related to breast cancer treatment? Learn how the new law works and how it can positively impact patients' lives.

Breast cancer is a disease that affects thousands of women every year, and many of them have to undergo treatments that can leave physical and “psychological” scars. However, a new law promises to bring more comfort and safety to these patients, offering the option of breast implant replacement. 

Sanctioned by the President of the Republic on April 3, 2023, law no. 14,538 guarantees the right to exchange the breast implant used in breast reconstruction or in the symmetrization of the contralateral breast in cases of complications or related adverse effects. 

Furthermore, the law also provides for specialized psychological and multidisciplinary support from diagnosis to completion of treatment, to help patients deal with total or partial breast removal. 

In this article, we will explain how the new law works and what it means for women who have undergone cancer treatment.

SUS and private sector

It is important to highlight that the law applies not only to the Unified Health System (SUS), but also to the private sector. 

This means that all patients who have undergone cancer treatment in private hospitals have the right to have their breast implants replaced in the event of complications, regardless of the type of health insurance they have.

What will the procedure be like?

After the diagnosis and the doctor's recommendation, the SUS or the private sector will have a period of 30 days to replace the breast implant. 

Furthermore, healthcare facilities are responsible for providing breast reconstructive plastic surgery services, using all the means and techniques necessary for the treatment resulting from breast removal.

Psychological support

The law also provides that patients must have specialized psychological and multidisciplinary support from the moment of diagnosis, to deal with the total or partial removal of the breast resulting from cancer treatment.

Specialized psychological and multidisciplinary support is also crucial to help deal with total or partial breast removal, which can profoundly affect the self-esteem and quality of life of people affected by this condition.

Lack of law

The law, which comes into force 90 days after publication in the Official Gazette of the Union, which will take place on July 2, 2023.

Access the law

To access the full text of Law No. 14,538, sanctioned by the President of the Republic and published in the Official Gazette of the Union, simply click on this link:


This new law is an important achievement for women who have undergone oncological treatment, which is the specialty responsible for treating cancer, and who will now have their rights guaranteed by law.

The possibility of replacing the breast implant in cases of complications is essential to guarantee the self-esteem of these patients.

We at Tenho Saúde conclude that this law is another important step in the fight against breast cancer and in guaranteeing the rights of women who have undergone this type of treatment. We hope that this new law will help improve the quality of life of these patients and contribute to a fairer and more equal future for all.

Don't forget to share this important information with all the women you know, so that they can also know their rights and have access to the necessary care in cases of complications related to breast implants. 

Always remember to have regular check-ups and see a doctor if you notice any changes in your health. After all, prevention is always the best way!

Share this article on your social networks and help spread the word about this important law that recently came into force.

Source: Law published in the Official Gazette of the Union / Legislative Branch.

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