You may be damaging your vision without realizing it. Check it out...
Spots or flashing lights may be signs of retinal detachment, a condition that can lead to vision loss. Seek help immediately...
It seems harmless, but it can cause serious damage to your cornea, opening the door to infections and vision problems…
It can block the tear ducts, causing infections, irritations and even eye injuries. Always remove your makeup before going to bed…
Hours in front of screens tire your eyes and may increase the risk of myopia. Try the 20-20-20 Rule to relieve that fatigue. Want to know how? Read the full content.
Skipping eye exams, especially if you have diabetes, can lead to serious complications, such as retinopathy...
May cause irreparable damage to the retina, leading to vision loss. Protect your eyes!
The chemistry of cigarettes and the vapor in the smoke greatly increases the risk of cataract and macular degeneration, two diseases that can lead to blindness...
Bathing, swimming pool and tap water can contaminate your lenses with dangerous bacteria, increasing the risk of serious infections and even blindness.
He can cause corneal ulcers and serious damage to your vision. Never forget to remove them before going to bed!
In excess it can promote the emergence of cataracts and increase the risk of glaucoma.
If you not consuming foods that have essential vitamins for the eyes, you may run serious risks. We list what these foods are. Click to read the full content.