Stomach noise after taking whey protein 7 causes and how to solve it - Tenho Saúde

Stomach noise after taking whey protein? 7 causes and how to solve it

Understanding the causes of these “noises” is essential to ensure that you are taking full advantage of the benefits of whey without discomfort and risks. Check it out!

Although whey protein is a beneficial supplement, some people report feeling stomach noises after consuming it. These sounds, often described as gurgling or rumbling, can generate a lot of embarrassment, can be uncomfortable and even worrying for those who suffer from this problem.

But what causes these noises? And why do they occur specifically after taking whey?

Stomach noises, technically known as borborygmus, are caused by the movement of gases and liquids along the digestive tract

In the case of whey, these sounds can occur due to different factors, although they are not always indicative of a serious problem, these noises can be a sign that something is not quite right with the digestion of the supplement.

Why is it important to understand the reason for the noises?

In some cases, these sounds may simply be the body's natural response to the digestion process.

However, if the noises are accompanied by other symptoms, such as bloating, abdominal pain or diarrhea, you may need to adjust the way you consume whey.

Understanding the reasons behind these sounds can also help prevent them from happening again in the future. By identifying and adjusting factors such as the amount consumed, the type of whey used, or even the way it is mixed and ingested, you can significantly improve the supplement use experience. Check it out now!

What are the main causes?

1. Natural digestion of whey

Whey is quickly absorbed by the body, which can speed up the digestive process. When you consume it, it passes through your stomach and is broken down into amino acids for absorption by your small intestine.

During this process, the stomach and intestines move to mix the supplement with digestive enzymes, which can generate natural noises. These sounds are simply the result of the movement of liquids and gases through the digestive tract.

Additionally, since this supplement is a concentrated source of protein, it can increase the production of stomach acid to aid in digestion. This increase in digestive activity can contribute to stomach sounds, especially if you take the supplement on an empty stomach or without other foods to slow down digestion.

2. Lactose sensitivity or intolerance

Lactose is a natural sugar found in milk and therefore in many types of whey. People with lactose intolerance have difficulty digesting this sugar because they produce little or no lactase, the enzyme needed to break down lactose.

When lactose is not digested properly, it can ferment in the intestine, causing symptoms such as bloating, gas and the famous stomach noises.

If you notice that Stomach sounds often occur after consuming whey, and that they are accompanied by discomfort, bloating or diarrhea, it could be a sign of lactose intolerance.

In that case, opt for lactose-free whey, isolate or hydrolyzed, that contains less lactose or is lactose-free, can help minimize these effects.

For people with lactose intolerance, take lactase supplements before consuming Products such as whey and milk can help you digest lactose, preventing discomfort. These supplements, which can be found in pharmacies, allow you to enjoy these foods without digestive problems.

3. Sensitivity to proteins and casein

Some people may have sensitivity to milk proteins, like casein and the proteins present in whey. This sensitivity can cause an inflammatory response in the intestine, leading to symptoms such as stomach rumbling, cramps and even changes in bowel habits.

Unlike lactose intolerance, which is caused by a lack of an enzyme, sensitivity to milk proteins is related to the immune system and how the body reacts to these proteins.

If you suspect protein sensitivity is the cause of stomach rumblings after taking whey, It may be helpful to test other protein sources that are not derived from milk, such as milk protein peas or rice, or Mix Right and Aminnu, to see if the symptoms disappear. 

You can also opt for a whey isolate or hydrolysate, which contains very low or no levels of casein.

Want to understand more about casein? See also: Casein: what it is for, harms and benefits.

4. Low quality milk

Some people take their whey with milk, and this can affect stomach rumblings.

The vast majority of milks available on the market contain casein type A1, a protein that can be difficult for some people to digest. When casein is not digested well, it can cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms such as bloating, gas and unwanted stomach noises.

In addition to casein, milk also contains lactose. The combination of these two factors, especially when using low-quality milk, can increase digestion difficulties, resulting in these unpleasant symptoms.

One solution to minimize these effects is to opt for A2A2 lactose free milk.

This type of milk contains a variant of casein that is easier to digest and less likely to cause inflammation. In addition, the absence of lactose helps to avoid the gastrointestinal discomforts associated with this substance.

A brand known for offering Lactose-free A2A2 milk is Piracanjuba, which can be a great choice for those who want to reduce the harmful effects of mixing whey with milk.

In this article, we explain the hidden risks of conventional milk and why A2 milk should be your choice, read: A2A2 Milk: What is the difference, what is it for and the benefits.

5. Speed and quantity of consumption

The way you consume whey can also influence how your body digests it. Take very quickly or in large quantities can overload the digestive system, causing it to work harder to process the supplement.

This may result in a incomplete digestion and gas production, which in turn can cause stomach rumbling.

Furthermore, consuming large amounts in a single dose can slow down the passage of food through the digestive system, increasing the time of exposure to the fermentation process in the intestine.

To avoid these effects, try to consume the supplement more slowly and in smaller doses, distributed throughout the day, if possible.

6. Whey with low-quality or expired ingredients

The quality of whey you consume can also influence stomach rumblings.

You cheaper ones usually use lower quality ingredients to keep the price affordable, which can cause stomach discomfort. 

Ingredients such as: milk protein concentrate, which contains more lactose, artificial additives and flavors, gums and thickeners such as xanthan gum or guar gum, and low-quality proteins.

These ingredients can irritate the digestive system., resulting in symptoms such as gas, bloating and stomach noises.

Switching to a brand with higher quality ingredients and fewer additives can help reduce these issues and improve your supplement experience.

Stomach noise after taking whey protein - 7 causes and how to solve it - Tenho Saúde
Credits: Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik

Also, consume whey defeated can be even more problematic. When the supplement exceeds its expiration date, the protein may begin to degrade, and the product may develop microorganisms which negatively affect digestion.

Consuming expired supplements can lead to a series of adverse reactions, including abdominal pain, diarrhea and, of course, unwanted stomach noises.

To avoid these problems, it is important to check the quality of the whey you are buying. Choose reliable brands that use high-quality ingredients and follow good manufacturing practices.

Also, always check the expiration date before consuming the supplement to ensure it is safe to use.

7. Genetics and predisposition to stomach noises

Stomach noises after taking whey may, in some cases, be related to genetic predispositions. Some people may have a genetic condition called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other gastrointestinal disorders that may cause your digestive system to react more intensely to certain foods or supplements.

If you already have a genetic predisposition to digestive problems, it is possible that stomach noises may become more frequent or intense after consuming whey.

Even if you have this genetic predisposition, symptoms may be aggravated by factors listed above, including lactose intolerance, protein sensitivity or the use of low-quality ingredients, making stomach noises more noticeable and uncomfortable.

If you suspect that your genetic predisposition may be contributing to your stomach rumblings, it is advisable to monitor your symptoms and discuss your concerns with a healthcare professional.

Adjusting the type and quality of whey, as well as adopting strategies to manage your genetic predisposition, can help reduce symptoms and improve your experience with the supplement.

How to resolve these symptoms?

Here are some strategies to reduce stomach rumblings after taking whey:

  • Evaluate the quality of the ingredients: Choose whey from trusted brands that use high-quality ingredients. Products with low-quality additives or preservatives can cause stomach discomfort.
  • Check the expiration date: Always check the expiration date before use. When Whey passes its expiration date, the protein can begin to degrade, causing discomfort.
  • Reduce or divide the quantity: Consume in smaller doses more frequently throughout the day rather than a large amount at once.
  • Swap A1 milk for A2 milk: Type A2 is easier to digest and causes less digestive discomfort. 
  • Swap milk for water: Mix water with the supplement to aid digestion and reduce the possible effects of milk that we listed in the topics above.
  • Whey isolate or hydrolysate: Opt for these types, which are generally lower in lactose and casein and may be easier to digest.
  • Eat solid foods: Eat solid foods before or after whey to aid digestion. Also include fiber-rich foods in your daily diet.
  • Avoid consumption on an empty stomach: As it can cause stomach discomfort or increase rapid absorption, generating digestive symptoms.
  • Test other brands: Sometimes, changing brands can make a difference. Choose products from companies known for the quality of their ingredients.
  • Use digestive enzymes: Digestive enzymes can help break down proteins and make whey easier to digest.
  • Explore alternatives: Consider other protein sources, such as plant-based proteins or casein, or Mix Right, or Aminnu, if whey continues to cause problems.
  • Warning signs: Seek medical attention if you have severe abdominal pain, frequent diarrhea, or persistent symptoms.

Sources and bibliography:
– A1 and A2 milks: review of their potential effects on the digestive tract – Unicamp
Effects of bovine whey protein on exercise-induced gut permeability in healthy adults: a randomized controlled trial.
Whey Protein Isolate-Supplemented Beverage, Fermented by Lactobacillus casei BL23 and Propionibacterium freudenreichii 138, in the Prevention of Mucositis in Mice.

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