Geraldo Alckmin and the Health Transition Group

The number of vaccinated children is a concern for the new Government, which is planning a campaign with social measures.

Social campaign

Geraldo Alckmin, vice-president elect (PSB), who is the General Coordinator of the Transition of the new Government, defends a national vaccination campaign with social strategies starting in early January 2023.

“This is the priority of the transition group. It is essential that we develop a major awareness campaign for vaccination. This action will involve the work of several ministries and civil society (such as celebrities and football players). We will call on artists and leaders to help us in this major campaign.”

Geraldo Alckmin

The strategy that will be adopted, according to Alckmin, is to intensify the incorporation of vaccination into other social programs, such as, for example, the request for vaccination cards to enroll children in schools, as well as the need for vaccination as a requirement to join social programs such as Bolsa Família.

Immunization is being considered a priority by the new government, which defends the need to anticipate the purchase of vaccines to speed up the fight against COVID. Avoiding a possible new wave of cases.

“The fact is that, not just Covid, there was a drop in vaccination rates throughout Brazil. So, in Brazil, which was an example for the world in terms of vaccination protocol and immunization, suddenly people stopped getting vaccinated.”

Geraldo Alckmin

Vaccination for children

It is also worrying that amid a possible new wave of cases, Brazil is currently experiencing a low vaccination rate among children. 

“We will launch a national campaign to say that there is nothing sadder than losing a child, a son, and that the vaccine saves lives”.

Geraldo Alckmin

According to data presented at the meeting (4) of the new government's transition group, at the Sírio Libanês Hospital, only 12% of children aged 6 months to 3 years were immunized.

Data provided by the federal government highlights that approximately 70% of children aged five to eleven received the first dose, while 50% received the second dose. From three to four years old, only 18% received the first dose and approximately 6% received the second dose, which is even lower in this age group.

SUS table financing

A major problem highlighted by the transition team is the outdated financing of the SUS table, which, according to Alckmin, stagnated during the pandemic.

“Because there are almost no resources for the Farmácia Popular [Popular Pharmacy] and those with chronic illnesses need to take medication. Regarding the issue of the SUS remuneration (the table), it is necessary to check the most serious cases so as not to make care unfeasible. President Lula has committed to eliminating waiting lists for specialties, exams and surgeries. Priority without a budget is just talk, it needs to have resources.”

Geraldo Alckmin

The resumption of this measure has as its priority “eliminating” queues for specialists, exams and surgeries. Totaling R$$22 billion more than that foreseen for the 2023 budget.


Covid Prevention
Prevention is necessary for current events | Image by Freepik

Some measures have already been taken in some Brazilian states, such as the return of the mandatory use of masks on public transport.

We at Tenho Saúde emphasize the importance of health measures to control cases. The World Cup, Christmas and New Year are dates that bring together a huge crowd of people and according to the Government, the pandemic is not over and we face a new possible risk of a new wave. 

It is important to be up to date with vaccinations and booster doses. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and sterilize them with alcohol gel with a concentration of more than 70%. 

Avoid crowds and maintain conscious social distancing to start 2023 without worries.
Follow the I am healthy and stay up to date with the main information, news and updates about Covid, stay up to date with your health.

Source: Meeting (4) of the new Government's Health Transition Group. Data provided by the Federal Government. Reproduction PSB Party.

Image credit: Reproduction.

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