Hidden risk in coffee can increase anxiety without you knowing caffeine - Tenho Saúde.

Hidden Risk in Coffee May Increase Anxiety (Without You Knowing)

Do you suffer from anxiety and nervousness for no reason? This substance found in coffee and some foods may be responsible, check it out:

Addiction, this word, defines coffee for millions of Brazilians. If you wake up in the morning feeling a little unmotivated or unfocused at work, there's nothing better than a cup of coffee to give you that extra energy to face your routine, which can even be healthy and work. 

“Hidden” risk:

However, what many people don't know is that there is a hidden risk in coffee for some people, causing symptoms similar to anxiety or even worsening them for those who already suffer from this condition. This hidden risk is excess caffeine.

Caffeine makes you feel “alert”, accelerated and this can be good for some occasions, but the risk appears when this effect wears off and you decide to consume more to get the sensations again, entering a dangerous and vicious cycle. 

The effects of excess caffeine stimulate symptoms similar to anxiety, and when these symptoms “reach” the brain, it cannot recognize that it is not anxiety. 

And if this happens for long periods, there may be a chance of anxiety developing, even if you stop using caffeine, as it stimulates your body to receive these impulses daily.

Can caffeine cause anxiety?

Caffeine-induced anxiety when drinking large amounts of coffee.
Caffeine-induced anxiety | Image by yanalya on Freepik

Anxiety is your body's way of preparing you for something important that will happen in the future, such as a test, presentation, job interview, a date, and other occasions. 

However, many people suffer from symptoms even without a reason, and if this happens to you, it could be related to caffeine.

On average¹, four to five cups of coffee are equivalent to more than 400 milligrams of caffeine, this amount is enough to increase the chances of anxiety and panic attacks in people who are sensitive to this substance. 

Common symptoms of caffeine-induced anxiety include: 

  • Nervousness;
  • Restlessness;
  • Heart rate acceleration; 
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Headaches;
  • Dehydration;
  • Insomnia;
  • Tremors.

You may be suffering from “post-coffee anxiety.”

Take the test:

For a week, you will reduce your intake of drinks and foods that contain caffeine, and you will observe whether this will have a positive impact on your anxiety symptoms.

Caffeine is present in:

  • Coffee, cappuccino, latte and derivatives;
  • Energy drinks;
  • Soft drinks;
  • Tea (green, black and mate);
  • Guarana powder;
  • Chocolate and chocolate drinks;
  • Over-the-counter painkillers (Dorflex, Neosaldina…);
  • Some gym supplements like pre-workouts. 

If you significantly reduce your caffeine intake and experience a decrease in anxiety symptoms, it is a sign that your consumption was excessive, or that you are sensitive to caffeine and should stop or reduce your consumption.

How to reduce caffeine consumption?

Coffee beans caffeine excess anxiety I'm Healthy I'm Healthy - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Hidden risk in coffee can increase anxiety (without you knowing).
Reducing caffeine may be a solution | Image by artbutenkov on Freepik

The first thing is to know what foods and drinks you usually consume, so that you have greater control over balancing your consumption.  

It is not recommended to stop completely, as in some people who have already acquired the addiction, it will generate withdrawal, leading to symptoms of difficulty concentrating, fatigue, headache and irritability.

The correct thing to do, after identifying after the test that caffeine interacts with your anxiety, is to slowly reduce your consumption until you find an ideal consumption that does not cause harmful symptoms.


If you have no reason to be anxious but still suffer from symptoms, caffeine may be the cause. To do this, take the test recommended above and reduce your consumption following the instructions until you find a healthy dosage for you.

If you are already an anxious person and add the adverse effects of caffeine, this can worsen and be harmful to your health. Seek a psychologist and nutritionist for a personalized evaluation. 

It is worth mentioning that caffeine is beneficial to health, it contains stimulating, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, helps improve mood, concentration, heart health, constipation, physical performance and others. 

What is not beneficial is the amount consumed, which can vary from person to person and their sensitivity. And this is where the hidden risk lies that we address in this article, as caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, and in excess it can generate symptoms similar to anxiety and thus be easily confused.

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