A2A2 milk: what is the difference, what is it for and the benefits - Tenho Saúde

A2A2 Milk: What is the difference, what is it for and the benefits

A substance present in traditional milk can cause stomach discomfort and pose risks related to diabetes and autism. Meet A2 milk, the alternative free of this substance. Find out how it can be a safer solution for your health.

You’re in the supermarket, looking at the milk cartons, and you come across A2A2 milk. You might think, “Is it any different from regular milk?” The answer is yes!

And that difference starts with a small change in the composition of milk, specifically in a protein called beta-casein.

What is the difference between A2A2 milk and traditional milk?

While conventional milk has been part of our routine for decades, A2A2 milk has been gaining popularity as a healthier alternative.

Many people report digestive discomforts, such as bloating, stomach pain, and malaise, when consuming regular milk. These problems are associated with beta-casein A1 and BCM-7, which are present in regular milk.

A2 milk, as it does not contain these substances, is an easier option to digest and does not cause these negative effects.

Traditional milk x A2A2 piracanjuba what is the difference, what is it for and the benefits - Tenho Saúde

Conventional milk is produced by cows that generate a mixture of two proteins casein, which are beta-casein A1 and beta-casein A2. So traditional milk is considered a milk A1A2.

A2 milk is special because it comes from cows that produce only protein A2A2 in its structure, therefore, this version contains a minimal or non-existent amount of beta-casein A1.

The big question is how our body deals with these proteins. When we drink milk that contains the protein A1, our organism generates a substance considered toxic, called opioid peptide BCM-7.

In the next topics you will understand that the BCM-7, found in traditional milk, can cause great harm to your health. In addition to intestinal discomfort, studies indicate that this substance can stimulate diabetes, autism, and other problems in the central nervous system.

See also: Casein: what it is, benefits and harms and how to take it.

How A1 milk came about

What few people know is that, in the past, all cows produced only the A2 protein. However, the human being performed a genetic alteration with the aim of making cows produce a greater quantity of milk. This change resulted in the production of protein A1.

This change from the past ended up benefiting the dairy industry today, because Cows that produce milk with A1 are able to produce many more liters of milk per day compared to cows that produce A2 milk.

Therefore, it is more common to find conventional milk in larger quantities, since It is more profitable for the industry to market A1 milk than A2A2 milk.

But does this focus on profitability pay off when it comes to consumers’ health and well-being? Find out now!

Risks of traditional milk

When we talk about traditional milk, one of the main points of concern is the casein A1, which in the stomach breaks down into a peptide known as BCM-7.

This peptide is a chemical substance that has an activity similar to that of morphines. This means that he can affect our central nervous system and also influence other bodies.

Node gastrointestinal tract, BCM-7 can slow the rate at which food moves through the digestive system, causing constipation. In addition, it can increase water absorption in the intestine, reduce gastric secretion, and even stimulate gallbladder contraction, causing:

  • Discomfort and pain in the digestive tract;
  • Swelling in the belly;
  • Gases;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Constipation (difficulty going to the bathroom);
  • Feeling unwell;
  • Intestinal hyperpermeability (a condition where the intestine becomes more permeable than normal, allowing toxins and bacteria to enter the body).

Another important point is that BCM-7 does not only act locally in the digestive tract. In cases of intestinal hyperpermeability, the absorption of this peptide may be increased, and reach the central nervous system.

This can potentially lead to a number of problems, as according to studies³, the presence of BCM-7 in the body also can affect the brain and nervous system, being associated with conditions such as:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Autism;
  • Schizophrenia.

Please note that each person’s body reacts differently, and some people may be more sensitive to the BCM-7 substance found in traditional milk. Although the damage does not occur overnight, prolonged exposure to this substance over many years may increase the risk of these negative effects.

What is A2 Milk for and its benefits:

In simple terms, A2A2 milk is healthier for your body. It doesn’t “harm” your intestines like traditional A1 milk and serves as an option for people who feel discomfort after drinking milk.

Here are the main benefits:

  • Improves Digestion: Easier to digest and causes less discomfort.
  • Reduces Bloating and Gas: Reduces common symptoms after drinking milk.
  • Alternative for Intolerants: It may be better tolerated by those who have difficulty with traditional milk.
  • Fewer Side Effects: Does not generate the BCM-7 peptide, associated with digestive problems, in the central nervous system, intestinal hyperpermeability and other conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and even autism and schizophrenia.

Does it taste the same as the traditional one?

Yes, the A2A2 milk It tastes identical to conventional milk. The main difference between them is in the protein composition, not in the taste.

Therefore, you can use A2A2 milk in the same way as traditional milk in recipes and drinks without noticing a big difference in taste.

Where to find and how to choose A2 milk?

Supermarkets: In the natural products sections or with traditional milks.

Internet: It is possible to find it on some websites such as Mercado Livre and Amazon.

Organic and Natural Products Stores: this type of milk may be associated with more natural and less processed farming practices.

Before you go looking, call the store or supermarket to confirm the availability of the product and avoid unnecessary trips.

What to Look for on the A2A2 Milk Label

Protein A2 Indication: Check that the label clearly states that the milk is A2A2, confirming that it contains only the A2 protein and not the A1.

Purple color: Generally, industries are adopting the color purple to represent A2 milk.

Quality Certifications: Look for certifications that guarantee the origin and quality of milk, such as organic or animal welfare seals.

Expiration date: As with any product, make sure your milk is within its expiration date to ensure freshness and safety.


Some well-known brands in Brazil that manufacture A2 milk are: Piracanjuba, Nestlé Ninho, Letti, Italac, Xandô, Vinamilk and Porto Real.

Does A2A2 milk contain lactose?

Yes, the A2A2 milk contains lactose. The main difference between A2A2 milk and conventional milk is the beta-casein protein, specifically the presence or absence of the A1 protein. The lactose, which is milk sugar, remains the same in both types of milk.

Solution: Some brands, like Piracanjuba, have come up with a solution: milk A2A2 lactose free. It combines the benefits of A2A2 milk, which is gentler on the digestive system, with the absence of lactose, offering a worry-free alternative.

Another point to note is that many people end up confusing the symptoms they feel after consuming milk, thinking they have lactose sensitivity or intolerance.

However, these symptoms may be related to casein, milk protein, especially A1 protein. Therefore, A2A2 milk can be an excellent alternative for those who believe they are lactose intolerant, but in fact confuse it with the A1 casein reaction, as both have similar symptoms.

Types of products with A2 milk

The dairy industry is increasingly aware of consumer needs and is expanding its offering of A2 milk products. Here are some of the new products:

A2A2 milk: what is the difference, what is it for and the benefits - Tenho Saúde
Credits: Image from freepik Photo: Leite Piracanjuba, Ninho, Letti, publicity. Italac.

A2A2 Milk: This is traditional milk, but made only with A2 protein.

A2A2 Lactose Free Milk: If in addition to A1 protein you also need to avoid lactose, the Piracanjuba brand has a special lactose-free A2A2 milk option. It is perfect for those who are sensitive to both.

A2 powdered milk: For those who prefer a more practical format.

A2 Cheese: If you love cheese, you should know that there are now options made with A2 milk. They offer the delicious flavor of cheese without the A1 protein.

Butter and Cream Cheese A2: And it doesn't stop there! Butter and cream cheese made with A2 milk are also available. So you can enjoy these products in your daily meals with more comfort.

Sources and bibliography:
A1 and A2 milks: review of their potential effects on the digestive tract – Unicamp
A2 milk consumption and its health benefits: an update.
A1- and A2-Milk and Their Effect on Human Health. Journal of Food Engineering and Technology 2020;9(1):15-2.
³ GUANTARIO, Barbara et al. A comprehensive evaluation of the impact of bovine milk containing different beta-casein profiles on gut health of aging mice. Nutrients, vol. 12, no. 7, p. 2147, 2020.

See also: Casein: what it is, benefits and harms and how to take it.

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