Find out how to select the ideal type of toothpaste for you, whether it's to whiten your teeth, relieve sensitivity, combat bad breath, treat gingivitis or prevent tartar.

How to choose the right toothpaste for me? Dentist explains

Find out how to select the ideal type of toothpaste, whether it's to whiten your teeth, relieve sensitivity, combat bad breath, treat gingivitis or prevent tartar.

Choosing the right toothpaste is essential for a bright smile and a healthy mouth.

But with so many options available on the market, how do you choose the best type for you? We’re here to help you clarify this question!

When choosing a paste, it’s important to consider the ingredients and specific benefits each one offers. Now, let’s take a look at how to choose the ideal option:

Sensitivity paste

Those who suffer from sensitive teeth know how unpleasant it can be to feel pain when eating or drinking something hot, cold, sour or sweet. 

To alleviate this discomfort, there are toothpastes specially formulated to reduce sensitivity. They contain ingredients such as potassium nitrate, strontium chloride, arginine and calcium carbonate, which help protect your sensitive teeth. 

But don't forget: always consult a dentist for personalized guidance and to see if other treatments are necessary.

Teeth whitening paste

Who doesn’t want to have sparkling white teeth? If you’re looking for a toothpaste that will help whiten your teeth, look for ones that contain: calcium carbonate, hydrated silica or magnesium oxide

These ingredients are true stain detectives, capable of removing those annoying marks caused by coffee, wine and even cigarettes. 

But be careful, don't overdo it! These toothpastes can be a bit harsh on your teeth, so before you start scrubbing your teeth like crazy, be careful, and if necessary, consult your dentist to assess the health of your teeth.

Toothpaste to combat gingivitis: escape inflammation!

Gingivitis is a common condition that causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums. If you are experiencing this condition, it is time to look for a toothpaste that can help improve the condition. 

Look for those that contain fluoride and antimicrobial substances such as triclosan, zinc citrate and chlorhexidine

These ingredients help fight the bacteria that cause gingivitis and reduce inflammation. But don’t forget: consult your dentist to find out which treatment is best for your specific case.

Toothpaste to combat bad breath

No one wants to be remembered for bad breath, right? If you are looking for a toothpaste that helps combat unpleasant odors, look for those with peppermint, spearmint or other aromatic oil flavor.

These refreshing oils are real saviors when it comes to keeping your breath fresh after brushing.

But be careful: avoid toothpastes with high concentrations of aromatic oils, as they can cause irritation to the gums and lips.

Tartar prevention paste

Tartar is an annoying problem that occurs when plaque builds up on your teeth. To prevent this nasty buildup, there are toothpastes with a powerful ingredient for these cases: sodium hexametaphosphate

This powerful component fights bacteria and prevents the formation of plaque, thus preventing the appearance of tartar. 

But remember that toothpaste is not capable of removing existing tartar. In these cases, you will need to seek professional treatment.

Is it important to have fluoride?

Absolutely! Fluoride is an important ally in promoting oral health. It strengthens teeth, prevents cavities and fights bacteria that can cause dental problems, such as cavities, tartar and gingivitis.

So, when choosing your toothpaste, don't forget to check if it contains fluoride.

This way, you can enjoy all the cleaning and teeth-strengthening benefits that this powerful mineral provides.


In this article, we share information based on scientific studies, but it is always recommended to see a dentist for personalized guidance. He or she will analyze your case closely and determine the best treatment.

It is important to note that the ideal toothpaste for you may not be the same for your spouse or child. Therefore, it is recommended that each member of the family has their own toothpaste, providing the specific benefits that each person needs to maintain oral health.

If you’ve tried a toothpaste with the right ingredients, but it’s not delivering the desired results or is causing you discomfort, it may be time to switch brands. After all, the quantities and qualities of ingredients can vary from one manufacturer to another.


Choosing the right toothpaste is essential to maintaining your oral health. Each type offers specific benefits, whether it’s whitening teeth, reducing sensitivity, combating bad breath, treating gingivitis or preventing tartar. 

Now it's easier, when you go to the supermarket to buy your pasta, just consult this article and check the list of ingredients of the different options available.

Take good care of your smile and smile with confidence!

To check out more amazing content, visit I am healthy, follow on Instagram @tenhosaude and on TikTok

Sources and bibliography: 

1. Oral Health Topics: Toothpastes.
2. The use of fluoride toothpastes in caries control.
3. Composition, active ingredients and clinical indications of toothpastesJournal of the Health Sciences Institute. Vol.30. 3.ed; 287-291, 2012.

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