Health plans now include new treatments for prostate and ovarian cancer - Tenho Saúde

Health plans now include new treatments for prostate and ovarian cancer

The National Supplementary Health Agency (ANS) has decided that health plans must ensure coverage for two new cancer treatments in Brazil.

The resolution was officially published in the Official Gazette of the Union and this measure aims to guarantee health plan beneficiaries access to advanced methods against cancer, contributing to greater quality and effectiveness for patients.

Treatment of metastatic prostate cancer with darolutamide and docetaxel

Prostate cancer is one of the most common neoplasms in men in Brazil.

The metastatic form of the disease is a challenge, which is why the inclusion of darolutamide in combination with docetaxel in the mandatory coverage list is excellent news for patients battling this condition.

THE darolutamide is a drug that acts as an inhibitor of the androgen receptor, a protein present in prostate cancer cells. It works by blocking the action of male hormones that stimulate tumor growth.

Already the docetaxel It is a chemotherapy drug used to combat various types of cancer.

The combination of these two drugs has shown promising results in controlling metastatic prostate cancer, offering better response rates to results.

Treatment of ovarian cancer with Olaparib and Bevacizumab

Ovarian cancer is a serious disease that affects thousands of women in Brazil. With the inclusion of treatment with olaparib in combination with bevacizumab in the list of mandatory coverage of health plans, patients diagnosed with this type of cancer will have access to an innovative and effective therapeutic option.

Olaparib is a drug that belongs to the class of PARP inhibitors, a new approach to treating ovarian cancer.

It works by inhibiting an enzyme involved in repairing the DNA of cancer cells, making them more sensitive to chemotherapy.

Already the bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits the growth of blood vessels that feed the tumor.

The combination of these two drugs has shown promise in combating ovarian cancer, providing better response rates and increasing patient survival.

Now, with mandatory coverage by health plans, more women will have access to these procedures.

Generic test for ovarian cancer.

In addition to the two new treatments, the ANS resolution also provides coverage for the generic homologous recombination deficiency test.

This test is used to diagnose patients eligible for the procedure with the combination of olaparib and bevacizumab in ovarian cancer.

Homologous recombination deficiency is a genetic alteration present in some types of ovarian cancer, making tumor cells more sensitive to the action of PARP inhibitors.

The generic test identifies this deficiency, allowing patients to be diagnosed and treated with olaparib and bevacizumab when indicated.

With the mandatory coverage of this test by health plans, more women will have the chance to benefit from this personalized procedure, specifically targeted to their genetic condition.


The inclusion of these new treatments in the list of mandatory procedures for health plans represents a significant advance in access to oncological care in Brazil.

It is important to highlight that these mandatory coverages expand the therapeutic options available, expanding access to the use of medications that are shown to be effective, associated with the combination of different approaches in the fight against ovarian cancer and metastatic prostate cancer.

This decision by ANS was based on rigorous studies and evaluations, considering the safety, effectiveness and cost-benefit ratio of the procedures.

It reflects the commitment to promoting health and ensuring access to adequate care for all Brazilians.

For more health news and information, visit I am healthy.

Source: Official Gazette of the Union and Brazil Agency.

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