Stop smoking learn how to get free treatment and medicine through the PNCT and SUS. I have health

Quit smoking: receive free medicine and treatment through the PNCT and SUS

Find out how to receive free treatment and medical support, therapies and drugs to stop smoking.

Many people have the wrong idea about smokers, labeling them as “addicts” or “lack of willpower” who simply don’t want to quit. 

But the reality is different. Smokers face chemical dependency, that is, when they try to quit, they face intense physical and psychological discomfort that causes suffering. 

To face this challenge, the Ministry of Health created the National Tobacco Control Program (PNCT) node Unified Health System (SUS)). The goal is to provide treatment to help people stop smoking and break free from nicotine addiction. 

In this article, we will explain in detail how the SUS is helping smokers and providing support to overcome the addiction.

Smoking cessation treatment PNCT

O PNCT is a program that seeks to reduce the number of smokers in Brazil and improve the quality of life. In the SUS, it is possible to receive free treatment for smoking. This means that everyone has equal access to the support they need to quit smoking.

Smoking cessation treatment is based on up-to-date methods and involves different perspectives.

You can count on the help of doctors, nurses, psychologists and other trained health professionals to support you in this process. 

How does treatment through the SUS work?

Stop smoking learn how to get free treatment and medicine through the PNCT and SUS. I have health
Free treatment to stop smoking | Photo by Freepik

You will receive professional support, who will work with you, giving you emotional support, practical strategies and useful tips to deal with withdrawal symptoms, situations that make you want to smoke again and having “relapses” of addiction. 

They will also help you identify patterns of behavior related to smoking and develop new skills to cope with stress without having to resort to cigarettes.

Additionally, there are support groups available at healthcare facilities where you can share experiences, receive additional guidance and find emotional support. This support network is essential to motivate you and help you overcome difficulties.

The SUS also offers counseling and behavioral therapy to identify and understand what makes you want to smoke, and together, develop solutions to end this desire, adopting new, healthier behaviors.

Prescription of medicines

In addition to relying on social support and healthcare professionals, doctors may also recommend the use of medications and nicotine replacement therapies, such as: 

  • Transdermal patches: release a small amount of nicotine throughout the day, helping to reduce withdrawal symptoms; 
  • Nicotine chewing gum: can be chewed to release the substance gradually, preventing withdrawal;
  • Bupropion hydrochloride: medicine that acts on the nervous system, reducing the desire to smoke. 

Each person is unique, and smoking cessation treatment should be customized to your individual characteristics and needs. Together, you and your healthcare professional will find the best strategy to help you achieve your goal.

How to start free treatment and have access to medicines through the SUS to stop smoking?

You can seek care through the Unified Health System (SUS) or at Basic Health Units located throughout the country. These locations will be able to provide information about the times and locations of treatment available in your region.

Or you can also access the website of the National Tobacco Control Program (PNCT). Once you're in, follow these simple steps to learn more about your treatment:

  1. Access the link: Click here.
  2. Choose your region;
  3. Select your state;
  4. Click on the link provided to access information for your state.

Now, through these steps, you will have all the information you need to start your treatment in your region.

Why You Should Quit Smoking! (Benefits)

Quit smoking, find out how to get free treatment and medicine through the PNCT and SUS. Tenho Saúde 2
Smoking is harmful to health | Photo by Freepik

By making this courageous decision, you will be protecting yourself from serious illnesses such as lung cancer, heart problems and respiratory difficulties. In addition, your quality of life will improve in many ways.

One of the notable benefits is increased energy. Without smoking, you will feel more energy and vitality to carry out your daily activities. Your breathing will also thank you, with a significant improvement in lung capacity and the sensation of fresh air when breathing.

In addition to the health benefits, quitting smoking also has aesthetic advantages. Your appearance will be positively transformed, with healthier, more radiant skin and a brighter smile.

Smoking is an expensive habit, and the money spent on cigarettes over time can be significant. By quitting smoking, you save money that can be used in other areas of your life.

Remember that every day without smoking is a victory for your health and well-being.


O National Tobacco Control Program node SUS offers treatment and support to help you quit smoking. With medical advice, therapies and medications available from free form, you will have the support you need to face the challenge of quitting smoking.

Source and bibliography:

1. Ordinance of the Ministry of Health published in the Official Gazette of the Union.
2. Smoking treatment: National Cancer Institute – INCA.

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