essential oil that increases memory and intelligence I Have Health

Rosemary essential oil: smelling this R$15 aroma can boost your memory and concentration

Discover how a simple diffuser and rosemary oil can be the key to unlocking a sharper, more efficient memory.

Have you ever imagined that a simple aroma could transform the way your brain works? Science is unlocking fascinating secrets about a common herb in your kitchen that could have a powerful impact on your memory.

Curious about how the scent of an oil can help boost your ability to remember future events and accomplish important tasks?

Read on to explore the results of a revealing study and understand how this spice can go beyond your kitchen, offering surprising benefits for your brain!


Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a robust herb with thin, sharp leaves and a distinctive flavor that adds a special touch to many dishes.

But rosemary has more to offer than just its culinary role. Its intriguing properties can offer surprising benefits for your mind, unlocking potential you may not have imagined.

Credits: Image from freepik

Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary is also widely used as an essential oil, a practice you’ve probably seen people do. Many people rub a few drops of the oil into their hands and then breathe in the aroma deeply.

This simple practice is more than just a common gesture: it’s a popular way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils for the mind and body. The potent aroma of essential oils is known for its stimulating properties and can help improve focus and well-being, providing a refreshing boost throughout the day.

And it is exactly with this aroma that the study was carried out, check it out:

The study:

One innovative research from Northumbria University has revealed a fascinating secret: the scent of rosemary can give your memory a powerful boost.

This study, conducted in 2012, delved into this herb's ability to improve prospective memory – the memory that helps us remember future tasks and events, such as taking a medicine or sending a special gift.

How the study was done:

Imagine walking into a room where the scent of rosemary is gently filling the air. That’s exactly what researchers created. They used a diffuser to diffuse the essential oil and tested 66 participants in two rooms: one with the scent and one without.

Participants were challenged to complete memory tasks such as finding hidden objects and meeting specific times to deliver items.

Meanwhile, blood samples were tested for the presence of 1,8-cineole, a compound in rosemary known for its positive impact on memory.

Amazing results

The results were impressive! Participants exposed to this scent showed significantly better performance on prospective memory tasks.

Additionally, blood tests revealed higher levels of 1,8-cineole among those in the room with the aroma, confirming that it may indeed act on critical areas of memory.

These findings not only highlight rosemary's potential to improve memory, but also open the door for further research, especially to help people with memory declines, such as the elderly.

Where to buy rosemary essential oil?

You can buy essential oils from a variety of places, depending on your preferences and needs. Here are a few options:

  1. Internet: (more affordable prices) you can find rosemary essence from R$15, with specialized stores and a wide variety.

    Rosemary essence on Shopee: click here.

    Tips: Make sure you buy from reputable sellers and check the product quality and reviews from other buyers. Take advantage of discount coupons and free shipping to save even more.
  2. Natural and Esoteric Products Stores: Many stores specializing in natural products, aromatherapy and esotericism offer essential oils.
  3. Pharmacies and Drugstores: Some pharmacies and drugstores have sections dedicated to natural products and may offer essential oils.
  4. Cosmetics and Beauty Stores: Some stores that sell beauty and personal care products also carry essential oils.

Be sure to check the purity and origin of the essential oil, opting for products that are 100% pure and of quality to ensure the best benefits.

How to use Rosemary to improve memory in everyday life?

To take advantage of the benefits of this herb's essential oil in improving memory, you can use some simple and effective methods.

Here are some ways to incorporate essential oil into your routine:

1. Direct Inhalation

  • How to do it: Place one or two drops of essential oil on a tissue, in the palms of your hands, or on a cotton swab. Then, inhale the aroma deeply.
  • Benefits: This method allows for quick absorption of the aroma, which can help improve mental clarity and concentration.

2. Aroma Diffuser

  • How to do it: Add a few drops of essential oil to an aroma diffuser filled with water. Turn on the diffuser to release the aroma into the room.
  • Benefits: The diffuser continuously disperses the aroma throughout the room, which can promote a more focused and stimulating environment.

3. Temple Massage

  • How to do it: Dilute rosemary essential oil in a carrier oil (such as coconut, grapeseed, or almond oil) and gently massage into your temples and the base of your neck.
  • Benefits: Massage combined with aroma can help relieve tension and promote a sense of mental clarity.

4. Bath Inhalation

  • How to do it: Add a few drops of essential oil to your bath water. For best results, add the oil to a little bath salt or milk before adding it to the water.
  • Benefits: A bath with the aroma of rosemary can provide a relaxing and invigorating effect, helping to improve concentration and memory.

5. Topical Application

  • How to do it: Mix a few drops of rosemary essential oil with a carrier oil (grapeseed, coconut, almond) and apply to your wrist or the base of your neck.
  • Benefits: Topical application can provide a continuous aroma boost throughout the day.

Important Tips:

  • Sensitivity Test: Before using essential oil on your skin, do a sensitivity test on a small area to ensure you do not have an allergic reaction.
  • Oil Quality: Make sure to use pure, high-quality essential oils for best results.
  • Moderate Use: Use essential oil in moderation and according to instructions to avoid possible adverse effects.

These practices can help maximize the potential of rosemary essential oil to improve memory and mental clarity.

In addition to Rosemary Essential Oil, Another Powerful Ally for Memory and Concentration is Green Tea! Don't Miss Our Article on How Green Tea Can Boost Your Brain: click here!

Source and Bibliography:
Plasma 1,8-cineole correlates with cognitive performance following exposure to rosemary essential oil aroma

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