Loss of sensitivity in the penis 13 causes and how to treat ejaculatory inhibition - Tenho Saúde

Loss of sensitivity in the penis: 13 causes and how to treat it (ejaculatory inhibition)

Lack of sensitivity and pleasure, it takes a long time to reach orgasm, and does it require a lot of physical effort to achieve it? We list the main causes and how to solve and treat each one of them.

“I could spend hours having sex and still not reach orgasm. I feel very afraid and insecure about not maintaining the performance due to the lack of sensitivity and pleasure.”

This problem can be caused by a number of factors, both physical and psychological. Here are the main causes that can contribute to loss of penile sensitivity:


As the years go by, it is common for the sensitivity of the penis to decrease. This is because, with age, the body loses receptors.

This reduction may start subtly from the age of 25, but becomes more pronounced after age 65.

Solution: Talk to your doctor about treatment options or therapies that may help you feel better, such as hormone replacement therapy, if appropriate.

Excessive masturbation

If you feel pleasure during masturbation but experience low sensitivity or lack of pleasure during sex, this could be the cause.

Masturbation in itself is not harmful, but if performed with very often or with techniques that involve a lot of pressure, force and repetitive movements, it can temporarily decrease the sensitivity of the penis.

When this happens, the penis gets used to intense stimulation and a lot of pressure, that are difficult to reproduce during sex.

Another factor is the excessive pornography, which can lead to a desire to reach orgasm as soon as possible during masturbation. This can make you lose interest in real sex, because the stimulus you are used to is very different from what happens in real life.

Think during sex: it's difficult to maintain the same intensity, strength and speed that you use during masturbation, isn't it?

Solution: That's why, if you notice a loss of sensitivity and masturbate a lot, it's a good idea change the way you masturbate. Try decrease the frequency, use gentler pressure and always vary the speed, simulating real sex.

It is important to remember that this change is usually temporary. and can be reversed. If this is the case, take a break from masturbation for a few weeks and when you return, follow the techniques we mentioned.

If your sensitivity continues to be diminished, it's a good idea to talk to a doctor to better understand what's going on.

Lubricating gel and condoms

Some lubricating gels and condoms can decrease penis excitability. This happens because some of these products contain retardant substances that are used to help men with oversensitivity or premature ejaculation.

If you are experiencing this problem, using products that further reduce sensitivity without realizing it can be a very bad situation..

Therefore, it is important carefully check the packaging of the products. Search for terms like “delaying action”, “desensitizing effect” or “helps delay ejaculation”. Also, be aware of ingredients such as benzocaine or lidocaine, which are often used in these products.

Excess lubricant, even if neutral, can decrease friction during sex. This happens because too much lubricant can create a additional layer that reduces direct skin-to-skin contact.

Solution: “Throw away” products that reduce sensitivity during sex and opt for those that increase it or, if possible, opt for more neutral products and don’t overdo it.

Alcohol and cigarette consumption

Alcohol can act as a anesthetic in the body, including the genital area, which may result in a temporary decrease in arousal.

Smoking is allowed impair blood flow and damage peripheral nerves, which can lead to erection problems and skin irritation, negatively impacting.

Solution: If you are facing this situation, avoid consuming excessive alcohol close to sexual intercourse.

Use of medication

Certain medications can also cause this problem. Some examples are:

  • Antidepressants: fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline.
  • Finasteride: used to treat baldness and prostate problems.
  • Blood pressure medications: such as some beta-blockers and diuretics.
  • Antipsychotics: such as risperidone and quetiapine.
  • Local anesthetics: such as lidocaine and benzocaine, used in some gels and creams.

Solution: Read the package insert of the medications you are taking and identify possible side effects related to impotence. Talk to your doctor about any concerns you may have to find the best approach for your case.

Disproportion between penis and vagina

This is a little discussed topic, but it is relevant. When there is a significant disproportion between the size of the partner's penis and vagina, this can lead to decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

This problem may occur if the penis is thinner or the vagina is wider due to multiple births.

Solution: There are treatments available for both partners, such as penile fillers with hyaluronic acid or gynecological treatments to improve vaginal elasticity.

Surgeries and circumcision

Surgeries involving the genital area male, such as those for correction of Peyronie's disease, can affect the sensory innervation of the penis.

It is crucial that these procedures are carried out by specialist teams to minimise risk.

After the circumcision, the friction of the exposed glans with clothing can increase friction and reduce sensitivity. To minimize this problem, it is important to wear comfortable and appropriate underwear. We talk more about this in the topic below.

Solution: Be sure to discuss all risks and benefits with your doctor before surgery to understand how it may impact sensation and explore options for preserving sensory function. After surgery, consult with a specialist about therapies or treatments that may help with recovery from this problem, if needed.

Tight fabrics and underwear

Wearing underwear that is too tight or made of rough, synthetic fabrics can cause excessive friction on the skin of the penis, leading to a decrease in sensitivity and contributing to the hardening of the skin of the penis.

THE poor hygiene can lead to irritation, infections and unpleasant odors. In addition, it can cause the formation of stains and increase the risk of skin problems and sensitivity of the penis.

Solution: Wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics such as cotton. Avoid synthetic materials and maintain good hygiene.

Diabetes and other neuropathies

Diabetes is one of the main causes of loss of sensitivity in the penis. This condition can damage the small blood vessels and nerves in the area, resulting in a reduction in sensitivity.

Others neuropathies and neurological diseases can also have similar effects, requiring medical monitoring for proper management.

Solution: Keep diabetes under control with the help of a doctor, through medication, diet and regular monitoring of glucose levels.

Trauma, accidents and burns

Any type of trauma, such as bites, accidents or burns that affect the nerves of the penis, can result in a loss of sensation. Depending on the severity of the injury, the damage may be permanent or temporary.

Solution: In these cases, consult a specialist about rehabilitation therapies or treatments that can help restore sensory function.

Low testosterone levels

Testosterone plays a crucial role in male sexual health. Low levels of this hormone can not only reduce libido and erection strength, but also decrease penile sensitivity..

Men who take testosterone blockers or suffer from hypogonadism may report this symptom.

Solution: If you are diagnosed with hypogonadism, your doctor may recommend testosterone replacement therapy. If you are taking testosterone blockers or other medications that may affect your hormone levels, talk to your doctor about alternatives or medication adjustments. Certain exercises and herbal remedies may help to normalize testosterone levels.

Frequent use of bicycle

Cycling, especially over long distances or using inappropriate saddles, can compress nerves and blood vessels in the perineal region, causing tingling or numbness in the penis.

Solution: This effect is usually temporary, but regular cyclists should be vigilant and consider equipment adjustments to avoid permanent damage.

Emotion and psychology shaken

If a person goes for sex with negative thoughts and emotions of insecurity, such as fear of failure or anxiety, this can significantly affect the sexual experience.

These negative emotions can create a mental barrier that interferes with sexual response, decreasing sensitivity and making it difficult to achieve pleasure.

Stress and worry can reduce the ability to relax and enjoy the moment, resulting in unsatisfactory sexual performance and decreased penile sensitivity.


  • Focus on pleasure: Focus on pleasure and emotional connection during sex instead of worrying about performance, positive thoughts can help your mind.
  • Preliminary: Other areas of your body also deserve attention. Exchange caresses and massages with your partner, without pressure for penetration. Enjoy every touch and every sensation, because sex is not just about penetration. Take time to stimulate your partner and create a deeper connection. This not only improves the sexual experience, but also helps increase confidence and pleasure for both of you.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing and mindfulness can help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Open communication: Talking openly with your partner about concerns and expectations can ease pressure and create a more comfortable environment.
  • Seeking professional and tantric support: Considering therapy with a psychologist or sex therapist can help you deal with negative emotions and improve your mental and sexual health. Look for a reputable and qualified tantric therapist to provide massages that can help improve sensitivity and pleasure. Make sure they have good references and experience in the field.
  • Regular self-care practice: Adopting healthy habits, such as physical exercise and a balanced diet, can improve your overall emotional state.

Identifying the specific cause is the first step to effective treatment.

In some cases, such as when taking certain medications or treating low testosterone, the solution may be simpler. However, for other causes, treatment may be more challenging and require the supervision of a specialized urologist.

Remember that monitoring by experienced professionals is essential to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

State University of Londrina Auriciene Lidório and Julia Tataren. Male sexual dysfunctions.

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