I'm Healthy - Content and artificial intelligence for your health Kefir: this restores the health of your intestine, find out how (probiotic)

Kefir: this restores the health of your intestine, find out how (probiotic)

Discover how kefir stands out from other engineered probiotics and can transform your gut health.

Tired of persistent bowel problems like bloating, tenderness, and pain? If temporary treatments haven’t worked, it’s time to consider a more effective solution.

The kefir It is considered the most diverse probiotic in good bacteria, surpassing even kombucha and Greek yogurt.

And the best thing is that, when you buy kefir grains once, you can produce infinitely, i.e, buy once and you will have kefir “for the rest of your life”“, as long as you grow them correctly.

What is Kefir?

They are grains formed by a combination of beneficial bacteria and yeasts..

You place these grains in milk or water, where they begin to grow and multiply through the process of fermentation, turning it into a drink that will “restore and shield” your gut.

Kefir restores and protects the health of your probiotic intestine - Tenho Saúde
Similar to the shape of a cauliflower, Kefir has a gelatinous appearance and a yellowish-white color | Credits: Image from freepik

The intestine is inhabited by trillions of microorganisms and bacteria that are important for our health. These bacteria, known as intestinal microbiota, help in the digestion of food, produce essential vitamins, protect against infections and even influence our mood and immune system.

There are people who suffer from low levels of good bacteria in their intestines, which can lead to problems such as poor digestion, low immunity, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and others.

Kefir acts directly on the health of this intestinal microbiota. Rich in probiotics, kefir introduces a variety of yeasts and good bacteria into the intestine.

These "Good bacteria in kefir fight bad bacteria“, helping to keep the intestine healthy and functioning properly.

In addition to introducing new good bacteria, This probiotic also helps to feed those already present in the intestine.

By consuming it regularly, you are replenishing the good bacteria in your gut, which results in better digestion, greater nutrient absorption and a stronger immune system.

The power of Kefir for gut health

Shields the intestine:

It is rich in probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that help balance the intestinal flora. They can improve digestion and help maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system.

Improved digestion and nutrient absorption:

The probiotics in kefir can aid in the digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, as well as reduce symptoms of digestive discomfort, such as bloating and constipation.

Regulation of intestinal transit:

It helps regulate intestinal transit, helping to prevent constipation and diarrhea.

Helps people with gluten intolerance

The probiotics in kefir (especially water kefir) can help reduce inflammation in the gut. For people with celiac disease, who may experience chronic inflammation due to their reaction to gluten, reducing inflammation can help relieve symptoms and promote healing of the intestinal lining. If you choose milk kefir, be careful about gluten cross-contamination.

Reduction of lactose intolerance:

Milk kefir is easier to digest for people with lactose intolerance because the fermentation process breaks down much of the lactose present in milk, making it more tolerable.


It can strengthen the immune system due to its probiotics and other bioactive substances that help fight infections and inflammation.

Promotes the fight against cancer:

Kefir helps fight cancer by preventing the growth and spread of cancer cells. It can slow the formation of tumors and offer protection against different types of cancer, such as stomach cancer.

Promotes control of Aallergies:

Naturally control allergic reactions by altering the body's response to allergy flare-ups and certain types of asthma. They help reduce inflammation, which can decrease the frequency and intensity of allergic reactions.

Lose weight and reduce swelling

Kefir is great for those who want to lose weight, as it only has 37 calories per 100 g. It helps improve digestion and regulate the intestines, reducing constipation. As a result, you may notice a less swollen belly in the first week, in addition to helping with weight loss.

Additional benefits:

It contains protein, vitamins D and K2, and minerals such as vitamin B12, calcium, and magnesium, which are important for overall health.

Kefir vs. manipulated probiotics

1. Lasting Effect:

  • Kefir: Provides long-lasting and often permanent benefits for gut health. Even after stopping consumption, the balance in the gut can be maintained for longer due to the variety of microorganisms present.
  • Probiotics: They tend to have a more temporary effect. The benefits diminish after stopping use, as the microorganisms do not remain in the intestine for as long.

2. Diversity of Microorganisms:

  • Kefir: Contains a wide range of bacteria and yeasts that work synergistically, providing a more diverse effect.
  • Probiotics: They usually contain some specific strains of microorganisms, which can be useful for specific conditions, but with less variety.

3. Consumption Method:

  • Kefir: Fermented beverage consumed daily, available in stores or made at home.
  • Probiotics: Supplements in capsule, tablet or powder form, taken as part of your diet.

4. Composition:

  • Kefir: Naturally fermented with various microorganisms, whose composition may vary.
  • Probiotics: Contains specific and dosed strains of microorganisms, ensuring a consistent quantity.

5. Effects on Microbiota:

  • Kefir: Promotes a broad and natural balance in the intestinal microbiota.
  • Probiotics: They focus on altering or supporting the microbiota in specific areas, such as improving digestion or fighting specific types of bacteria.

6. Preparation and Storage:

  • Kefir: Requires fermentation and can be prepared at home. Must be stored correctly to keep microorganisms alive.
  • Probiotics: They are easier to store and do not require fermentation.

7. Cost and Access:

  • Kefir: It can be more affordable, especially if made at home, but the price can vary.
  • Probiotics: Generally more expensive and purchased in supplement stores or pharmacies.

8. Personalization:

Kefir: Provides a general and natural treatment for complete intestinal health.

Probiotics: They can be adjusted for specific needs, such as digestive problems or intestinal conditions.

See what they say about Kefir


Do you like probiotic foods? Tell me in the comments! Kefir consumption dates back more than 4,000 years on different continents, but it is believed that it has been consumed for even longer than that. #healthmental #kefirdeleite 1TP5Anxiety #depression 1TP5Yewgutbrain #probiotics

♬ original sound – Rafael Gratta

Kefir is a combination of good bacteria and yeast that are very good for your health. It is the famous probiotic. The benefits of kefir include improved immunity and improved bowel function, among many others. The grains of this probiotic are low in carbohydrates and also help with weight loss. Milk kefir should be made with whole cow's milk, because the "little bugs", as we affectionately call kefir, will consume the lactose in the milk, meaning that even those who are lactose intolerant can consume it without any problems. I am a classic example of this 🙋🏼‍♀️ The temperature of the environment greatly influences the production of kefir. If it is very hot, for example, it will produce yogurt faster than on cold days. Generally, the temperature is changed every 24 hours, if it is not in the refrigerator. Leave it in an environment that is not very hot or has insects, inside the cupboard, for example. That is also why it is important to cover it. Have you ever consumed Kefir? Tell me about it 👇🏼 #tatyusa #reallife #vidareal #kefirdeleite #how to growrokefirdeleite #how to grow kefir

♬ original sound – Taty USA – Tatiane Guimarães

Do you know how to make milk kefir? The recipe is super easy and recommended for keeping our bodies healthy! #Recipe #Saludavel #Kefir #WestwingBR

♬ original sound – Westwing Brasil

Where to buy Kefir?

You can buy kefir grains on websites like Mercado Livre, Shopee and Amazon.

You can also find them in Facebook groups dedicated to this probiotic, where people often sell or even donate the grains. Just search for and join these groups and ask about selling and donating.

Contraindication and side effects of Kefir

Cancer in the gastrointestinal system: May not be recommended for people with cancer of the gastrointestinal system.

Drug interactions: Avoid consuming 2 hours before and after taking medications such as bisphosphonates, fluorides or tetracyclines to avoid interfering with the absorption of these medications.

People with severe liver disease: The small amount of alcohol produced during fermentation can be harmful to people with liver disease.

Excessive consumption can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is recommended not to exceed 1 glass per day to avoid these problems.

If you have any questions, consult your doctor.

How to prepare Kefir

Preparation is simple and can be done at home with just a few ingredients. Here is a basic step-by-step guide:

  1. Ingredients and Materials:
    • Kefir grains (milk or water)
    • Milk or water (if you are making water kefir, you can use filtered water and add a little sugar to feed the grains)
    • A clean container (glass or plastic)
    • Cloth or filter to cover
    • Plastic or silicone strainer (avoid metal, which can affect the grains)
  2. Preparation:
    1. Put the Grains: Place the kefir grains in the container. For milk, use about 1 to 2 tablespoons of grains for every 500 ml of milk. For water, add the grains to the water with a little sugar.
    2. Add Liquid: Pour the milk or water over the grains. Make sure the liquid covers the grains completely.
    3. Cover the Container: Cover the container with a clean cloth or strainer, secured with a rubber band. This allows the kefir to breathe but prevents dirt or insects from getting in.
    4. Let it ferment: Leave the container in a warm place away from direct light for 24 to 48 hours. Fermentation time may vary depending on room temperature and your preference for flavor and acidity. Milk fermentation usually takes about 24 hours, while water fermentation may take a little longer.
    5. Strain and Store: After fermentation, strain the kefir using a plastic strainer to separate the grains from the fermented liquid. Place the grains in a new container with milk or water to start a new batch. Store the finished kefir in the refrigerator.
    6. Keep and Use: Ready kefir can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. You can drink it plain, or add it to smoothies, cereals, or use it in recipes.

This process ensures a fresh, nutrient-rich probiotic drink, and the kefir grains will continue to multiply and can be used indefinitely to make more.

For those interested in taking this step, remember to follow the preparation guidelines carefully and consult a healthcare professional to customize your diet to your individual needs.

Source and bibliography:

Kefir and Its Biological Activities.
Immunomodulating capacity of kefir.
Kefir and Health: A Contemporary Perspective.

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