Popular Pharmacy and Bolsa Família now offer free diapers, contraceptives, diabetes, rhinitis, cholesterol, asthma, hypertension and others. See the list - I'm Healthy

Popular Pharmacy and Bolsa Família now offer free medicines: check the list

Forty medicines that previously had a 50% discount will now be available free of charge. Check out:

The Farmácia Popular do Brasil program resumed its activities with the aim of expanding the supply of free medicines and accrediting new units in more vulnerable municipalities.

From now on, access to medicines will be easier and several changes will benefit different groups of the population.

Bolsa Família: more benefits

Beneficiaries will have free access to all 40 medicines available in the Farmácia Popular program. 

To collect the medicines, the person must: go to a pharmacy accredited by the popular pharmacy program and present the medical prescription, together with an identity document and CPF.

The system automatically recognizes the link with Bolsa Família, eliminating the need for prior registration.

For women

In the new format of Farmácia Popular, all women will have free access to medicines indicated for the treatment of osteoporosis, in addition to contraceptives

Previously, it was necessary to pay 50% (half) of the value for these medicines, which are now 100% free.

Assistance to Indigenous Peoples

One of the new features is the inclusion of indigenous peoples in the Farmácia Popular program. 

With the aim of expanding access to basic pharmaceutical assistance currently offered in special indigenous health districts (DSEI), all 40 medicines will be made available free of charge to indigenous peoples.

To avoid travel, a community representative will be chosen to collect the indicated medicines, and it will not be necessary to present the CPF.

This initiative will be implemented in a pilot project in the Yanomami territory and will later gradually expand to other regions, with the participation of district indigenous health councils.

Continuity of compliance with other conditions

Medicines for asthma, hypertension and diabetes, which are already part of Farmácia Popular, will continue to be made available free of charge to all audiences. 

This measure ensures that patients with these health conditions can continue to have easy access to essential medicines for their treatments.

New accredited cities

In addition to the changes in services, Farmácia Popular resumed accreditation of new units, prioritizing more vulnerable municipalities that joined the Mais Médicos program. 

From now on, 811 cities have the possibility of requesting the accreditation of units in all regions of the country, with 94.4% of them located in the North and Northeast.

The forecast is that by the end of the year the Farmácia Popular program will be available in 5,207 municipalities, which represents a coverage of 93% of the national territory.

This geographic expansion aims to ensure that more people, especially those in areas of greater vulnerability, have access to essential medicines for free or at lower prices.

Check out free medicines for everyone:

Popular Pharmacy and Bolsa Família now offer free diapers, contraceptives, diabetes, rhinitis, cholesterol, asthma, hypertension and others. See the list - I'm Healthy
Free medicines through the programs | Internet photos

Asthma: respiratory symptoms

  1. Beclomethasone dipropionate (50mcg, 200 mcg or 250 mcg); 
  2. Ipratropium bromide (0.02 mg or 0.25 mg);
  3. Salbutamol sulfate (100mcg or 5mg). 

These medications are essential for controlling and relieving respiratory symptoms, promoting a better quality of life for asthmatic patients.

Diabetes: glycemic control

  1. Metformin Hydrochloride, 
  2. Glibenclamide, 
  3. Regular Human Insulin
  4. Human Insulin. 

These medications are essential for glycemic control and maintaining the health of diabetic patients. Now, with it being made available free of charge, more people will have access to the treatments necessary to manage this chronic condition.

Hypertension: blood pressure

  1. Atenolol;
  2. Amlodipine Besylate;
  3. Captopril;
  4. Propranolol Hydrochloride;
  5. Hydrochlorothiazide;
  6. Losartan Potassium;
  7. Enalapril Maleate;
  8. Spironolactone;
  9. Furosemide;
  10. Metoprolol Succinate;

These medications help maintain adequate blood pressure and prevent complications associated with hypertension.

Cheaper medicines free of charge for Bolsa Família

In addition to free medicines for the general population, Farmácia Popular also offers medicines with co-participation, that is, with prices up to 90% lower, and which, for Bolsa Família beneficiaries, are free: 


  1. Norethisterone,
  2. Ethinylestradiol,
  3. Levonorgestrel, 
  4. Medroxyprogesterone acetate, 
  5. Estradiol valerate,
  6. Norethisterone enanthate.

High cholesterol: 

  1. simvastatin.


  1. Sodium alendronate.

Parkinson's disease: 

  1. Carbidopa,
  2. Benserazide hydrochloride.
  3. Levodopa,


  1. Timolol maleate.

Urinary incontinence: 

  1. Geriatric diaper.


  1. Budesonide;
  2. Beclomethasone dipropionate.

Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (for people over 65 years old): 

  1. Dapagliflozin.

These measures aim to ensure that Bolsa Família beneficiaries and low-income people have access to the medicines necessary to treat different health conditions.

Access our site I have health, follow on Instagram @tenhosaude and on TikTok @tenhosaude.com.

Source: Federal government It is Brazil Agency.

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