
Popular Pharmacy and Bolsa Família now offer free medicines: check the list

Forty medicines that previously had a 50% discount will now be available free of charge. Check out:

12 months ago

New rules on whole food labels: learn about the changes

Para ser considerado integral a partir de agora, o alimento deve conter no mínimo 30% de ingredientes integrais. Confira quais…

1 year ago

Sweeteners: WHO stops recommending their use for weight control and warns about risks

OMS agora desaconselha o uso de adoçantes para controle de peso e demonstra possíveis riscos associados a eles. Saiba mais.

1 year ago

“Thor” with Alzheimer’s? Actor Chris Hemsworth pauses his career after discovering his risk of Alzheimer's.

Actor Chris Hemsworth, famous for playing the character Thor in the Marvel Universe, took many fans by surprise after…

1 year ago

New nutrition labels: check out what's changed on food packaging (just got easier)

Are you aware that ANVISA has ordered changes to the packaging of food products? The rules have already come into force and…

2 years ago