COVID: Ministry of Health updates list with 21 new priority groups that can receive the bivalent vaccine.

Você sabe quais são as 21 novas comorbidades incluídas no grupo prioritário para vacinação contra a COVID-19? Descubra agora e…

1 year ago

Perfectionism: causes, symptoms, how to treat it and techniques. (complete guide)

Você é perfeccionista? Cuidado! Descubra como esse comportamento pode prejudicar sua vida. Não perca mais tempo em busca da perfeição.…

1 year ago

Intestinal gases: causes, symptoms, treatments and solutions to eliminate them.

Discover how to get rid of the uncomfortable symptoms caused by intestinal gas. Here you will find everything you need to know about…

1 year ago

Eliminate Gas: 7 Best Simple Science Techniques That Work

Do you suffer from farts and want to get rid of this discomfort? This article can help you! Based on proven scientific studies,…

1 year ago

New law allows the exchange of breast implants by the SUS and psychological support for patients with breast cancer complications.

You already know the new law that guarantees the right to psychological support and the exchange of breast implants in…

1 year ago

ANVISA updates recommendations for the use of masks in hospitals.

Anvisa makes the use of masks more flexible in health service locations, but still maintains specific recommendations - find out what they are!

1 year ago

17 foods and drinks that disrupt sleep: avoid them to sleep better!

Be careful with açaí, sweets and even tomatoes! Check out our complete list and guarantee a peaceful night…

1 year ago

No noise: Discover how ear protectors can revolutionize your nights sleep!

Can't stand waking up to any noise anymore? Discover the benefits of earplugs for sleeping well and discover how to use them…

1 year ago

Number of vaccinated children worries the new Government, which foresees a campaign with social measures.

Social campaign Geraldo Alckmin, vice-president-elect (PSB), who is the General Coordinator of the Transition of the new Government, defends a campaign…

1 year ago

Can't sleep? Discover 8 types of insomnia: how to identify and what are the solutions.

If you are having trouble falling asleep, these 8 types of insomnia could be the reason, understanding them is...

2 years ago