Meet the tea that can lower blood sugar!

Study reveals that this tea reduces glucose and blood sugar, in addition to other benefits. Discover how to prepare…

1 year ago

Quit smoking: receive free medicine and treatment through the PNCT and SUS

Find out how to receive free treatment and medical support, therapies and drugs to stop smoking.

1 year ago

Study reveals: Omega 3 (fish oil) can cause hair loss.

Research carried out to investigate the relationship between fish oil and the control of obesity and tumors ended up discovering…

1 year ago

Spotted fever can be fatal: what it is, symptoms, how it is transmitted and treatment (tick disease).

Treatment should be started as soon as possible, as the infection caused by spotted fever can be fatal if…

1 year ago

HIV and AIDS: New injection Apretude® cabotegravir is 69% more effective than PrEP pills against HIV.

In addition to being more effective, Cabotegravir has a prolonged action of four to eight weeks. Check out:

1 year ago

Brazil starts to waive Covid test and proof of vaccination for entry into the country

Encerrada a inspeção de viajantes em relação à COVID, confira.

1 year ago

Thyroid Cancer: Health plans must include new treatment with Lenvatinib Mesylate (Lenvime).

A Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS) anunciou recentemente uma importante atualização em seu Rol de Procedimentos e Eventos em…

1 year ago

Candida auris: the super fungus, what it is, risk group, what are the symptoms and how to prevent it.

Descubra o Candida auris: um fungo mortal resistente a medicamentos que já apresenta casos no Brasil. Saiba por que ele…

1 year ago

Health plans now include new treatments for prostate and ovarian cancer

A Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar (ANS) decidiu que os planos de saúde devem assegurar a cobertura de dois novos…

1 year ago

Perfectionist: meet 2 books that will help you deconstruct this mindset.

Você é vítima do perfeccionismo? Descubra como mudar isso com dois livros transformadores e encontre soluções para lidar com esses…

1 year ago