7 infallible tactics to make your child want to brush their teeth daily. I have health

How to make your child want to brush their teeth daily. See 7 infallible tactics.

These 7 tips will make your child want to brush their teeth without throwing tantrums. Check them out and turn brushing time into pure fun!

Encouraging children to brush their teeth from an early age can be a challenging task, after all, most children see it as boring, especially when it means it's time to go to bed! 

But don’t worry, we’re here to help you turn this time into a fun adventure and motivate your child to brush their teeth regularly. Let’s go!

1. Tell funny stories

Little ones love stories, so why not create an engaging story about the “cavity monsters”? Tell your child how these little monsters love to hide in the corners of their mouths, but with the help of a toothbrush and powerful toothpaste, they can be defeated!

Involve your child in the story by letting them choose the superhero's name or even draw their own characters. 

Turn your bathroom sink into a battle scene and, while you brush your teeth, you can imagine together how you are bravely fighting against the little tooth decay monsters.

2. Educate him through play

    In addition to creating a fun story, it’s important to make brushing your teeth an educational experience. Explain in a fun way how brushing superheroes are protecting their teeth and keeping them strong and shiny. 

    Use simple examples, such as comparing brushing your teeth to cleaning a house, to show how important it is to remove all dirt to avoid problems.

    You can also use visual resources, such as educational videos or illustrated books, that explain the importance of brushing teeth in a fun way. This way, your child learns while having fun, making the experience more attractive and memorable.

    3. Reward and praise effort

    Don’t forget to celebrate every victory! Praise your child for their courage and ability to face the tooth decay monsters. Recognize their effort and dedication to maintaining their oral health. Praise can make a difference to their self-esteem.

    Additionally, you can create a reward system to further motivate daily brushing. Special stickers, a brushing superhero certificate, or even little surprises after a week of regular brushing can all serve as positive incentives. 

    Remember that rewards should be proportionate to the effort and consistency they demonstrate.

    4. Create a fun and consistent routine

    To ensure that brushing your teeth becomes a healthy habit, it is essential to establish a consistent routine. Set fixed times for brushing, preferably after main meals and before bed. 

    This way, the child will understand that brushing is part of their daily routine.

    Additionally, make the bathroom environment more appealing. Add vibrant colors, toys, and even a fun mirror. 

    Make the sink a magical place where toothbrushing superheroes fight tooth decay monsters. The more enjoyable and engaging the environment, the more motivated your child will be.

    5. Be an example

    Finally, remember that children are observant and tend to imitate adult behavior. Therefore, be an example for your child by taking good care of your own oral health. 

    Show enthusiasm and motivation by brushing your teeth with him. Show that brushing your teeth is important for everyone, regardless of age.

    By showing that you value brushing your teeth, your child will feel motivated to follow in your footsteps. Over time, brushing your teeth will become a natural habit for your child, ensuring oral health and a beautiful smile throughout their lives.

    6. Encourage autonomy and responsibility

    Provide guidance and supervise brushing until your child is skilled enough to do the process independently. This sense of responsibility can encourage them to take care of their own oral health.

    7. Choose themed toothbrushes and toothpastes

    This topic makes all the difference when it comes to children's toothbrushing. After all, no one wants to brush their teeth with a strange taste and texture. So, if your child is already older, let them help choose the colors, flavors, shapes and all the features of the toothpaste and toothbrush.

    Brush: Make sure the toothbrush has soft bristles that are appropriate for your child’s age, to protect their gums and developing teeth. Read our article and learn how to choose the right toothbrush:

    Folder: Do not use toothpastes intended for adults on children, as they can lead to serious problems such as fluorosis, stains and tooth wear, as well as poisoning and stomach discomfort if ingested. 

    It is important to note that the amount of toothpaste to be used varies according to the child's age. Therefore, see our content teaching everything about children's folders: amount of toothpaste and fluoride by age, what toothpaste cannot contain and much more. Access:


    If your child continues to resist brushing their teeth despite all the strategies mentioned, it is recommended to consult a pediatric dentist. The professional will be able to assess the situation and offer personalized guidance to motivate your child to take care of their oral health.

    Remember that brushing your child’s teeth is essential to maintaining a healthy smile and preventing oral health problems. By adopting fun approaches, creating a consistent routine, and encouraging your child’s independence, you’ll be laying the foundation for them to develop good oral hygiene habits throughout their lives.

    To check out more amazing content, visit I have health, follow on Instagram @tenhosaude and on TikTok @tenhosaude.com.

    Source and bibliography:

    1. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD).
    2. American Dental Association (ADA).
    3. Maternal and Child Oral Health Guide (PDF).

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