5 early signs of liver problems - Tenho Saúde

5 Early Signs of Liver Problems

These symptoms can be an early warning of liver problems. If you don't act in time, you could face serious and even dangerous complications for your health. Check it out!

Imagine having a silent organ inside you, working tirelessly to keep you healthy. That's your liver, the largest internal organ in the human body, which performs essential tasks such as filter toxins, regulate blood clotting, and produce bile for digestion. 

However, he often suffers in silence until it is too late.

The silent danger of liver disease

To the liver diseases are sneaky. In Brazil, millions of people suffer from conditions that affect the liver, and often, symptoms only appear when the damage is already severe. Imagine finding out that your liver is compromised only when it is already at a critical point. Scary, isn't it?

THE liver disease is a generic term for several conditions that can affect this organ, such as hepatic steatosis (fatty liver), hepatitis and even liver cancer. These problems can develop silently, and without the correct diagnosis, the consequences can be devastating.

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When the liver starts screaming for help

Although this organ is resilient, it has a limit. When this limit is exceeded, it begins to send out warning signals. The problem is that these signals are not always clear, and people often ignore them or attribute them to other causes.

You know those days when you feel extremely tired for no apparent reason? Or when your skin starts to look yellow and you constantly feel bloated? These are just some of the symptoms that may indicate that your liver is in trouble.

1. Swelling in the legs, ankles or abdomen

You may not think about your liver when you notice one. swelling in the legs, ankles or abdomen, but this symptom could be a sign that something is very wrong. The swelling in these areas, known as edema (on the legs and ankles) or ascite (in the abdomen), may indicate that this organ is under pressure.

One of the main culprits for this symptom is cirrhosis, which is the scarring of the liver. When it is scarred, blood flow through the organ is impaired, which increases pressure in the portal vein (responsible for carrying blood to the liver). This high pressure can lead to fluid build-up in the legs, ankles and abdomen.

Additionally, cirrhosis can prevent the organ from producing essential proteins, such as albumin, which helps keep fluids inside the blood vessels. Without adequate amounts of albumin, fluid can leak into the tissues, resulting in swelling.

If you notice unexplained swelling in these areas, it's important not to ignore it. Consult a doctor to investigate the cause, as swelling can be one of the first signs that your liver is compromised and needs attention.

2. Yellow skin or eyes

5 early signs of liver problems - Tenho Saúde
Yellow eyes are a sign of liver problems | Credits: Image from freepik

One of the most subtle, yet equally alarming, signs that something may be wrong with your liver is yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, known as jaundice.

This phenomenon occurs when there is an excess of bilirubin, a pigment produced during the natural breakdown of red blood cells in the body. Normally, the liver processes and eliminates bilirubin, but when it cannot perform this function efficiently, levels of this pigment build up, resulting in jaundice.

While high bilirubin levels do not always pose a serious risk to adults, the underlying problem causing the increase can be very serious. So if you notice any signs of yellowing of the skin or eyes, it is essential seek medical attention immediately. Ignoring this symptom can allow a liver problem to worsen without you realizing it.

3. Easy bruising and bleeding

If you start to realize bruises appearing easily or bleedings that occur with minor injuries, this can be a worrying sign that your liver is not functioning as it should.

It plays a crucial role in the production of proteins needed for blood clotting. When the liver is damaged, it may not be able to produce enough of these proteins. 

As a result, you may be more susceptible to bruising and bleeding, even with minor injuries that typically don't cause much impact.

This symptom may be an indicator of more serious liver problems, such as cirrhosis or other conditions that compromise the liver's ability to function properly. 

If you notice that you are bruising or bleeding more easily than usual, it is essential consult a doctor for a full evaluation.

4. Dark urine, even when hydrated

THE dark urine It is usually seen as a sign of dehydration, something that can be corrected by simply increasing your fluid intake. But what if, even though you are well hydrated, you still notice that your urine is darker than normal?

This can be an important warning sign. When the liver is not functioning properly, there is a bilirubin accumulation in the body, which can turn urine a color dark orange, brown or amber. This occurs because the liver is unable to process and eliminate bilirubin as it should.

If you are drinking liquids normally and still notice that the color of your urine is darker, it is essential pay attention. This could be an indication that your liver is overloaded or compromised.

5. Mental confusion

We all have our moments of forgetfulness, but drastic changes in your mental state are signs that should not be ignored. 

THE confusion Sudden changes in behavior or behavior may indicate that something more serious is happening in your body, including liver problems.

If the liver is not functioning properly, it may not be able to filter toxins from the blood as it should. This can lead to a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy, where the accumulation of toxins in the body begins to affect the brain, resulting in disorientation, confusion and even personality changes.

In severe cases, even people who were previously healthy can develop acute liver failure, manifesting itself through these sudden mental changes. 

If you or someone close to you begins to experience these symptoms, seek medical help immediatelyMental confusion can be a sign that the liver is in serious danger and needs attention.

What to do if you suspect liver damage

Liver problems should not be underestimated. There are several risk factors that can lead to liver damage, such as excessive alcohol consumption, type 2 diabetes, the use of shared needles, exposure to toxins, or even a family history of liver disease.

If you believe you are presenting symptoms of liver damage, is crucial seek medical attention immediately. In addition to the signs already mentioned, other symptoms may include changes in stool, extreme tiredness, changes in appetite, between others.

In more serious cases, such as severe jaundice, unexpected changes in mental state, black or tarry stools, vomiting blood, progressive swelling of the abdomen, ankles or legs, or difficulty breathing, seek emergency medical attention. These are signs that the problem may be serious and requires immediate attention.

When seeking help, you may be referred to a liver specialist, who will perform a full assessment to determine the extent of the damage and the best steps to take. Don't ignore the signs, early diagnosis and treatment can make all the difference.

Sources and bibliographic references:
Overview of liver disease [PDF].
Liver: Anatomy and Functions.
Systemic Symptoms in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.
Managing systemic symptoms in chronic liver disease.

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